
List of content tagged with "literature"
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Books in my library:

The novel is not the author's confession, but an exploration of human life in the trap called the world.

Read Date: 2021/04/02
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If an important issue is ignored in the group, no other important words will be said.

Read Date: 2020/11/25
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If "Old Man and the Sea" is a flower, it is definitely a lotus that grew from the beautiful marsh of "Farewell to Arms"!

Read Date: 2020/07/30
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People are one group: people! People are equal in freedom and right to live. A story of fighting inequality.

Read Date: 2015/12/12
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I wish we had the opportunity to look at our life without any hope, wish or self-deception and judge it

Read Date: 2014/04/13
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The deeper the silence of the night, the heavier the dew falls

Read Date: 2013/10/23
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A masterpiece tragedy!

Read Date: 2012/06/12
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