Once again, something I loved!

Why did I start again?

In the last ten years, I have tried several times to publish my experiences and opinions publicly, but every time for some reason, my writing process stopped after a few posts. I used different platforms and even last time I used the same platform, namely github and Gatsby.js. I think there were several reasons why I didn't continue blogging, and I think the most important reason was that this activity was not a priority for me. There is a possibility that this blog will suffer the same fate as the others, but for some reason, I think it is less likely than the previous times. Or in other words, its priority has increased for me.

In this blog, I plan to write about various areas that I am interested in and follow: from programming in system and web environments to product design and management. The summaries of the books I read and my opinions about various events will probably form part of the content of this site.

I got the name of this post from the title of the book "Once again, a city I liked" written by Nader Ebrahimi. One of the good books I read while staying at home due to the Corona situation. Of course, the content of this post has nothing to do with this book and I remembered that book only when naming it.

I hope this path continues...

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