$> who am i

About me

With a bachelor's degree in computer software engineering and a master's degree in information technology, specializing in computer networks, my professional journey has centered around designing, implementing, and managing software products.

As a senior software developer, my greatest passion lies in problem-solving. While my work naturally revolves around computer-related challenges, I believe in broadening my horizons beyond the confines of technology. I actively engage in studying diverse fields, including philosophy, sociology, and management. However, I approach these subjects with humility, recognizing that they primarily serve as opportunities for intellectual exploration and personal growth.

This website serves as a metaphorical backpack—a repository of knowledge and experiences that I carry with me. It is a platform where I can freely share this amalgamation of content with others and refer back to it when needed. My intention is to create a space for exchange and learning, providing valuable insights and fostering meaningful discussions in the process.